I spent the past weekend in London, filming content for Alessia’s YouTube channel. When people realized I was a GM and Coach, they approached me to ask some questions. At least a dozen times, I had this exact conversation:
“Oh, you are a Grandmaster and Coach. Can I ask you a question about chess improvement?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“I’m rated (anywhere between 1200-2200) and would like to know how I can best improve my game?”
“Focus on the basics. Solve tactic puzzles, play games, analyze them, and try to stay consistent in your training routine.”
At this moment, I realize their facial expression goes from hopeful to extremely disappointed: “There is no secret to chess training? Nothing you can recommend to be faster and make it easier?”
“Nope, no secret.”
“Oh, okay…” walks away.
I got slightly annoyed by this. But then, something amazing happened. A local player told me two sisters were big fans of mine, and they would like to challenge me. They were very shy and barely said anything before sitting down to play me. (I sadly forgot their names, so girls, if you read this, please email me to tell me your names and send me the photo we did together as well).
From the first moment, I felt the focus, determination, and willpower. Instead of playing timidly, the underrated sister went for a gambit. No hoping to get a draw, just a full fight. I sacrificed an exchange, never got it back, and lost the game. It was my first loss in a normal Blitz game this trip. The higher-rated sister had the same playing style and determination. I’m pretty sure I was lost in this game, too, but I somehow managed to swindle her.
If you want to see the games, subscribe to Alessia’s YouTube channel. I think she will publish them at some point 🙂.
Do you talk about improvement, or do you actually improve?
This stark contrast had me thinking.
On the one hand, there were the outgoing chess improvers who talked a lot about themselves and how much they wanted to improve their game. Then they came up to me with the hopes of getting the secret advice. Once their hopes were shattered, they returned to talking about their favorite openings, good books to read, etc. It was all talk – no work.
On the other hand, the two shy sisters. If they hadn’t challenged me, I would have barely noticed them. In a single blitz game, their chess spoke for itself, as Mr. Niemann would like to say. So much so that many people in the audience probably thought, “OMG, how did they get so good?”
The answer is:
By actually working on chess improvement rather than talking about chess improvement.
My job is to show you the way. Your job is to put in the work. Are you ready to do it?
Keep improving,
Whenever you’re ready, here is how I can help you:
- Want to know How to train chess well? Check out Next Level Training – The Chess Training Blueprint for Adult Improvers. This course taught 900+ students the of Chess Training. Create your high-quality chess plan and learn how to study each part of Chess, from tactics to openings & endgames. Click here to learn more.
- Check out my all-in-one Beginner Video course, Beginner Chess Mastery—Reach 1200 Elo, on Chess.com (1400 Lichess). You’ll learn all the fundamentals, from strategy to how to get the most out of your pieces, tactics, and endgames. You even get a full opening repertoire for free. Click here to learn more.